medical device guru

Read these 5 Undeniable reasons why you need to follow your favorite recruiter(s) on Twitter today!

Resource Library August 24, 2016

As a woman who grew up in the “8 track-player” era, the whole SnapChat, Instagram, Facebook world has taken a little getting used to. I laughed when Twitter first hit the scene… and yet now, I use it as a major source for reading breaking medical news, following our clients and their competitors, sharing our exciting jobs and (gulp) even getting new clients.

I have received 2 VP level search assignments in the last 90 days from small start-up medtech companies I follow on Twitter who initially noted our company’s social media activity and contacted me. (Full disclosure: Our company has a phenomenal Social Media person who not only posts for us – but helps promote our client companies to grow their brand, too). 

Do you feel like your job search is missing something?Twitter

Do you feel like your colleagues are always a step ahead of you in networking and receiving hot job opportunities?

Do you wish you could keep up with industry trends more easily?

Could Twitter help you stay up on breaking news and share job referrals?

Yes… Yes… YES!

You don’t need to be a Twitter authority to jump-start your job hunt or learn about new trends in your industry. If you want to take your Twitter networking to the next level, the first thing you should do is find and follow a recruiter in your industry.

Recruiters are among the earliest adopters of the professional “Twitterverse,” and they’re who you want to watch if you want to see networking results. There are even specialized Twitter apps like TweetMyJobs and Jobvite that recruiters use to advertise job openings and find qualified candidates.

Still aren’t convinced?

Read these 5 undeniable reasons why you need to follow a recruiter on Twitter today!


1. They’ll Follow You Back

Numero Uno in Twitter etiquette! If someone follows you, it’s really only polite to return the favor and follow them too.

How does this help you? As a job seeker, if you can establish yourself as an expert in your field, and routinely update your Twitter with relevant news and thoughts about your industry, a recruiter whom is following you will notice. And in turn it builds your credibility, and when the time comes to fill a position, that same recruiter will be more likely to remember your trade article retweet rather than the boring (seemingly identical) resumes she receives.


2. You Stay ahead of the Competition

Many recruiters use Twitter to post job openings in real time- as soon as they receive them. It takes a lot less time to type a 140 character job description than it does to post a one pager on dozens of job boards and listservs.

How does this help you? If you’re following the best recruiters in your industry, you’ll get first notification of job openings. In this increasingly competitive job market, this advantage helps


3. You have an Outlet to Establish Yourself as an Industry Expert

By using your Twitter account to Tweet relevant (and interesting) industry articles and commentary, you can catch the attention of other go-getters in your field.

How does this help you? Recruiters are always looking for what’s new and now, and if you can establish yourself as an industry expert, it will do more for your professional reputation than a resume ever could. Who do the top employers want to hire? Experts.


4. You Get Valuable “Face Time”

Recruiters see thousands of resumes a week, not to mention the hundreds of calls. Their least favorite people are those who call twice a day, and completely forget about those who only call once a month. Twitter can help you strike a good balance between nagging and silence.

How does this help you? No recruiter will talk to you four times a day every day, but they’ll have no problem reading and re-Tweeting your Tweets and Comments- then thinking of you when a quick hire is needed.


5. You can Build a sound Professional Network, Quickly

If you want to quickly find the big Twitter hitters in your industry, all you have to do is look at the people your recruiters follow. Recruiters follow those professionals who make the industry news, and who will provide them the most up to date information.

How does this help you? If you: direct message, retweet, and reply to these industry leaders, you can build a powerful professional network quickly.


Remember to follow me (and your other favorite headhunters) on Twitter using the link below if you’re not already!  You’ll see the latest news in Healthcare, Medical Device innovations, links to job alerts and an inside look into my Executive Recruiting team at Legacy MedSearch.

Feel free to add YOUR Twitter handle to the comments section so I can follow you back!


Follow Me On LinkedIn - Paula


Paula Rutledge
President, Legacy MedSearch

AUTHOR - Authorship Credit Noted Above
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