medical device guru

Diagnostics & Healthcare News
The FDA Has Approved the First Blood Test for Concussions
Researchers are only now starting to unravel the potential long-term ramifications of a seemingly minor traumatic brain injury (mTBI), or concussion, to our health. Part of the difficulty has been in even figuring out when someone has a concussion in the first place, leading to...
February 21, 2018
Cardiovascular / Cardiology
Eye Scan to Predict Heart Disease
Alphabet’s health science company Verily has announced a wide range of projects, from developing smartwatches made for medical studies to mass-producing infected mosquitoes to curb their population. Scientists from the division now have a new endeavor: Assessing heart disease risk by staring into patients’ eyes. In a paper (PDF) published today in the Nature journal Biomedical...
February 20, 2018
Biologics, Wound Care, Infection Prevention
Worm’s Living in Woman’s Eye Lead to Interesting Discovery
(CNN) Imagine looking into your irritated eye for a pesky eyelash, only to pull out a translucent, wiggling worm nearly a half inch long. “I looked at it, and it was moving,” recalled 28-year-old Abby Beckley of Grants Pass, Oregon. “And...
February 13, 2018
Diagnostics & Healthcare News
Apple iWatch Capable of Detecting Diabetes within 85 Percent Accuracy
It’s only been a few months since the Apple Watch began testing the waters as a tried-and-true medical device. But already, the wearable is proving its mettle. As per the latest study from Cardiogram founder Brandon Ballinger, the Apple Watch is...
February 13, 2018
Orthopedics and Spine
3D Printing Promises a Revolution in Orthopaedic Device Manufacturing
FDA guidance is a first step 3D printing promises to be a revolution in orthopaedic device manufacturing. In 3D printing, parts are built up layer-by-layer by adding to a workpiece using a variety of materials and energy sources. 3D printing...
February 12, 2018
Diagnostics & Healthcare News
5 Innovative Medical Device Projects Receive $200k Funding at Pitt
Even the highest-tech medical devices began purely as ideas — conceptual, back-of-the-envelope notes that traveled a complicated road from abstract notion to widespread usage. For six years running, the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Medical Innovation (CMI) has encouraged products along...
February 12, 2018
Diagnostics & Healthcare News
Self-Healing Flexible Medical Devices? The Key is Repetition
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Medical devices powered by synthetic proteins created from repeated sequences of proteins may be possible, according to materials science and biotechnology experts, who looked at material inspired by the proteins in squid ring teeth. “The question...
February 9, 2018
Biologics, Wound Care, Infection Prevention
Second Sight Touts 1st-in-human Orion Cortical Implant
Second Sight Medical (NSDQ:EYES) today announced the first trial implantation of its Orion cortical visual prosthesis system and updated on implantations of its Argus device and enrollment in an upcoming study. The first implantation procedure was performed late last month by Dr....
February 9, 2018
Cardiovascular / Cardiology
Tiny Heart Valves for Tiny Bodies
Congenital heart disease, the most common birth defect, can affect the heart’s walls, valves and arteries. The biggest problems associated with treating congenital heart disease are the limited availability and poor durability of replacement heart valves, said Henri Justino, M.D., director of the Charles E. Mullins Cardiac Catheterization...
February 8, 2018
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